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2009.10.15. 23:52 aandi

Jezersko Principles of Climate Action

Our message to the COP15 conference:

The international climate camp in Slovenia came to an end with the presentation of the participants’ ideas for tackling climate change in the Slovenian parliament.

1. Binding Targets for CO2 concentrations that give us a realistic chance of staying under a 2°C rise
2. An alternative to GDP as a measure of progress
3. To get the prices right: reflect the true environmental and social cost
4. Finance for structural change to low carbon transportation, green buildings and food production
5. To Ease Technological Transfer to developing countries
6. To address global population growth
7. An adequate contribution to the adaptation fund for developing countries
8. A global sectoral approach to emissions reduction
9. An agreement to establish mandatory targets at a national level for renewable energy production
10. For all countries to establish a Ministry dedicated to climate change to ensure implementation of agreed targets

30 young Climate Advocates from six countries, who are all engaged in the British Council’s Challenge Europe project, came together in the mountains of Slovenia to define their own top ten priorities for action on climate change. These ideas are targeted at both the forthcoming UNFCCC conference in Copenhagen and at wider global issues that affect our approach to climate change.

At it they gained new knowledge, exchanged ideas, got to understand the perspectives of people from other countries, and started to believe that they could actually make a difference. When they get back home they will present their ideas to policy makers in their own governments through meetings arranged by the British Council, the British Embassy and their Ambassadors in Slovenia.

In developing this event the British Council secured the support and cooperation of the President of Slovenia, the Speaker of Parliament, the UN, the EC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environment, DECC, the embassies of all the countries involved (including the FCO), and the two most prominent environmental NGOs in the country. As a result of this it attracted substantial media attention, both in Slovenia and in the other countries involved, and firmly established the BC and the UK as innovators in the field of climate change. 

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